Kelly Green Men

On the evening of August 21, 1955, eight adults and three children arrived at the Hopkinsville police station claiming that small alien creatures from a spaceship were attacking their Kelly, KY farmhouse. They had been holding them off with gunfire “for nearly four hours.”

Two of the adults claimed they had been shooting at “12 to 15” short, dark figures who repeatedly popped up at the doorway or peered into the windows.

For decades, “The Kelly Incident” – as it has become known – has captured the popular imagination and in ways big and small has changed the world.

On the 50th anniversary of the visit, the community of Kelly celebrated the event with the Kelly Little Green Men Days.

While in Hopkinsville learning more about this extraterrestrial event, stop by the Hopkinsville Visitors Center at 1730 E. 9th Street or the Pennyroyal Area Museum at 217 E. 9th Street for more in-depth information!